(512) 476-4626

Defenses to a Felony Domestic Violence case in Texas

Austin, TX Attorney, Kevin Bennett, explains ways of defending his clients when faced with Felony Domestic Violence cases.

Call The Law Office of Kevin Bennett at: (512) 476-4626 https://www.kevinbennettlaw.com/


Transcription below:

“Domestic violence cases are some of the most heavily prosecuted cases, not only in Austin, but throughout Texas. One of those offenses is going to be a felony domestic violence charge. There’s various types of domestic violence felony charges, but when you’re dealing with a domestic violence charge that’s a felony, you have the worst of both worlds. You are not only dealing with a domestic violence charge, you are also dealing with a felony. And when defending a domestic violence charge that is a felony, you always want to keep in mind, one thing in the back of your head, if this is not a case that the prosecution is going to dismiss, and if this looks like a case that is probably not going to be won at trial, and my client faces prison time, can we get this reduced down to a misdemeanor? If we can do that, it gives my client an opportunity to avoid a felony conviction. And to do that, we’d need to be able to identify any legal issues in the case and create doubt in the prosecutor’s mind. Because it’s when they start doubting their own case, that they’re going to start listening to your case.”

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