Penalties of a Felony DWI in Austin, Texas
Austin, TX Attorney, Kevin Bennett, outlines the penalties of a felony DWI, including up to 10 years in prison and other penalties.
Call The Law Office of Kevin Bennett at: (512) 476-4626
Transcription below:
“If you’ve previously been convicted of two DWIs and you are arrested for a DWI again, you are now facing a 3rd degree felony offense. What that means is, you are no longer facing county jail time, you are now facing prison time. A 3rd degree felony DWI, in Texas, carries 2-10 years in prison, up to a $10,000 fine, enhanced driver’s license suspension, enhanced Texas Transportation Code fines, and you’re treated much differently in the court than you were in the first two DWIs. Because you’re now being charged with felony DWI, there’s a felony DWI prosecutor that’s prosecuting you. That makes it all the more important to have a DWI defense attorney on your side that has experience and skill in defending felony DWI cases.”