Alleged Victim of Domestic Violence Willing to Dismiss Case
Austin, TX Attorney, Kevin Bennett, explains what to could happen if an alleged victim of a domestic dispute/violence wants to dismiss the case.
Call The Law Office of Kevin Bennett at: (512) 476-4626
Transcription below:
“Domestic violence cases are unique in their very nature. When a prosecutor reviews a case and they see, a victim or an alleged victim want the case dismissed, the prosecutors view that as the alleged victim is only trying to protect their abuser. Sometimes that can cause a prosecutor to want to be even more aggressive in the prosecution of the case. That presents a challenge in the defense of the case and my client and I will work together to address. We will do everything that we can to show that the way the prosecutor is viewing this case, is not the actual reality of what’s going on with this family, in this household. That this person is not a victim of the continued cycle of domestic violence, this is not what’s going on in their home, that if anything did happen, if was just something that got out of control and they are unlikely to find themselves in this situation again.”